Running away from the Pokemon does not end the Island Scan timer.

These Pokemon are all Pokemon that are not native to the Alola region.The Pokemon it will find depends on the island and the day of the week.On Alola's natural islands, it will always find a Pokemon on Aether Paradise or in Ultra Space, Island Scan will fail and will not count as a use.Island Scan searches the island the player is currently on for rare Pokemon.When the player has accumulated 100 points from scanning QR Codes, they can use Island Scan.If the 3DS's time is changed, the QR Scanner's usable scans will be reset to 0.These scans recharge at a rate of one every two hours.When the player performs a scan, one of these icons becomes darkened.This limit is indicated by a row of 10 scan icons along the top of the 3DS's upper screen.

The player is limited in the number of times they can scan QR Codes in succession.Scanning any QR Code records the Pokemon it describes as seen in the Pokedex if it is not already.The QR Scanner's main function is scanning QR Codes.